Thursday, August 18, 2011

Video game suggestions amidst a whole lot of rambling

From celtic music we go to social networking and video games. Yay video games! Ok so here will go...

I signed up for an account with Empire Avenue. For those of you who aren't familiar with the site, it is self desribed as 'the social stock market', which is to say that it is facebook with strangers becoming 'friends' for rep points and fake money. And while I am skeptical of the value added to my life by the program - I'm kind of addicted. Even though my profile isn't very well run and I'm not exactly a hot commodity I log on every day - compulsively. I buy shares in people I don't know based on 'trending', or because I am returning the favour or because I have money and need to spend it. I seek out new investment opportunities in the noobs so I can take advantage of their inevitable early surge in value. I wonder if this virtual stock market will lead to poor circulatory and mental health? I sense an interesting social experiment in there somewhere. I just have to figure out what it looks like...

Off track already! Let's try this again. I was on Empire Avenue, in one of the community forums - Video games specifically - and someone had left a post that they've gotten a new xbox and were looking for game suggestions. Woo Hoo! Their life is about to change and not necessarily for the better. Bioshock came with the console and apparently our poster believes the game and/or the system (I wasn't sure which was being referred to) is a great way to unwind after a stressful day. Hallelujah! Might we have a dedicated up and coming gamer.

To be honest, I never finished Bioshock. I know, there goes some of my nerdy cred straight sown the drain never to be recovered - but there's something to be said for honesty, or so I hear. Despite the interesting story, moody atmosphere and well defined game mechanics, I never managed to get more than half way through in any of the 5 or 6 times I started the game. It was just so flipping hard! And Big Daddy's are terrifying killing machines. Which, of course, you need to kill to get better as a character. Problem is, even in virtual worlds I could never be characterized as brave. I'm no coward either - more pragmatic with a strong interest in bet hedging and self-preservation. So maybe they did too good a job developing the atmosphere. Maybe if it was less creepy and dangerous down there, there would be less sweaty palms and controller fumbling, maybe my breathing would remain regular and the panic would never have a chance to set in; which might actually allow me to finish the game. Or maybe not.

The point is - despite my unusal (and perhaps a little hyper-exagerated) reaction to Bioshock, it is nonetheless a good solid first game for a newly acquired system. A great game in fact, for anyone less nervous than me - which is to say most people.

As for the anonymous poster's question - because there was a question asked, and I hope I actually remembered to mention it somewhere up there in my rambling ("What are some awesome games that are coming out now?"), here's my best answer:

It really depends on what kind of game you're looking for, what you like and what you're likely to do. What kind of gamer are you? (For instance Bioshock seemed like it hit all the right buttons for me, but I just can't finish it! Maybe someday....maybe.) There are a tonne of different genres offering a variety of options for game play including action based games (which include the various first and third person shooters, fighting games and hack and slash button smashers), action adventure games which are a hybrid of action and puzzles/interactive fiction, RPG style games, where the emphasis is on character development, as well as your simulation (SIMs) and strategy based games. There are a few others but they are largely niche markets. Keep in mind that while it is a good idea to consider the type of game you want to play when planning purchases, you never know what you might enjoy so don't exclude games you might like because they are in a genre you don't have experience in. They are just games after all and you can always get games on the cheap second hand or by buying 'platinum hits' which are severely price reduced.

Another factor in creating a gaming collection is who you like to pllay with. Do you intend to fly solo (mainly offline) or do you want some kind of multiplayer experience (primarily online). Most xbox 360 games are single player. There are a rare few that allow offline multiplayer action but they are very rare, and frankly most of the offline multiplayer games I have played in the last couple of years are not very well thought out or implemented. However, if you get an xbox Live Gold account many more options for multiplayer become available. Some Gold experiences are mission based 'quests' and others allow you and your friends to play through the whole game together cooperatively. There are also competitions, time trials and other random experiences and scenarios to experience via a Gold account (which for those of you who don't know - costs money in the form of a monthly subscription). The options available depend entirely on the game itself so if, for example, you are primarily interested in cooperative play with your friends, you should research the online options for a game before you buy it to see if it's online experience will provide that for you.  Personally I don't love shooters unless I'm playing multiplayer and I therefore tend to go for story development - RPGs are my thing. But I do dabble in other genres regularly.

Having said all of that, here are some game suggestions:

The Mass Effect trilogy is an action adventure RPG series and I love it. The series will be coming to a close in Q1 2012 so you might want to pick up the first two and playthrough so you can import saves when 3 comes out.

Bioware also just put out Dragon Age 2, which has had mixed reviews so far. if you're looking for character development and the moral choices Bioware has become so popular for it's worth buying.

38 Studios is making a game with RA Salvatore of Neverwinter Nights fame, Todd McFarlane and Ken Rolston lead designer of some of the Elder Scroll's games - it looks pretty sweet, has some interesting innovations and did I mention Todd McFarlane as art director? It's called Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning and is due out in February. 

Since Bioshock was mentioned, the sequels are not a bad idea if you're trying to expand your collection. Bioshock 2 got decent reviews although I haven't played it so I can't give it a personal thumbs up. It is on my list of games to play, I just figure I should suck it up and playthrough the first game before I pick it up.

Speaking of series wherein I failed to finish the first game...Assassin's Creed is a great series with a new game coming in November according to the developers. Assassin's Creed itself had a lot of promise but by the end of the game I felt it was all pretty repetative and too linear with not enough stuff to do outside of the main storyline. But Assassin's Creed 2 and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood are brilliant. Storyline, graphics, shear number of options in game, game mechanics...all great. Even the voice acting is pretty phenomenal - which is a small issue I know - but one that matters to me. Most reviewers agree that these are the games that Assassin's Creed should have been. (Side note: I am a big fan of the online play with this series.)

LA Noire is a sandbox mystery/detective game doing well right now. Rockstar really outdid themselves with this one.

A third Saint's Row is being released in November, I'll be getting that when it comes out. I think the Saint's Row series is better than GTA (go ahead gamers, tell me I'm wrong). The first game is good but Saint's Row 2 is awesome (hood surfing is where it's at)..and I would suggest getting it.

Oh and Batman: Arkham Asylum is well done for a superhero based game (superheros kind of bore me now - consider my bias outed), so feel free to pick that up if you are a fan of the Dark Knight. It's sequel, Batman: Arkham City will be released in October.

There you have my long-winded novella type, hopefully comprehensible answer to a relatively simple question. Hope it helps.


  1. God that was long and windy. Go me.

  2. Holy McMoley, nice write-up! I hadn't thought to recommend ME myself though I should have. It's my favorite AAA property of the moment. I'm just on a huge indie kick right now and the quality of some of those titles (I specifically mentioned Braid, LIMBO, and Bastion I believe) and their low price points are offering what I feel is a whole new dimension of gaming that's changing the landscape as far as how developers address content.

    That and the a la carte MMO model. I think we're on the cusp of an exciting new world.

  3. Thanks for the kudos! I do try...sometimes I even succeed. Especially if I just let myself rant. ME is awesome (not to be confused with "I am awesome" - my grammer is not that bad and I'm not quite that vain). I admit (consider this my second 'outing') to being a Bioware fangirl. Not somewhat fangirlish, not an 'I kind of like their games' minset - I mean to express an all out, head banging, life draining, fascinated obsession here. Ironically, the one time I put off playing a Bioware release was with ME1....because I don't like shooters in singleplayer (truthfully I am a horrible shot). But I was bored so I threw it in and whaddaya know I lost 2 full days and a night's sleep in between....on the first playthrough. I have no idea how many times I've beaten it now. We're looking at several dozen playthroughs of ME1 at this point.

    I should be looking at more Indie properties. If I ever actually intend to make a game or even an animation, I should be more aware of what's happening outside of the big should blog about Indie games so I can learn about them without doing all the lag work (yes I punned that on purpose)...anywho, what was I saying about getting off track? I should work on that. Also on editing, I just found several mistakes in my text. And font selection could also use some work. I'll get right on that. Thanks for stopping by. Smiles.
